Bare walls and building facades in the Downtown Scranton Business District will soon be transformed into open air galleries featuring large-scale murals. The initiative is part of Scranton Tomorrow's new Mural Arts Program.
Meet the team
Under the direction of Steve Ward, Team Leader Scranton Tomorrow, Design Committee, Rose Randazzo Pizzuto serves as Chairperson of the Mural Arts Program. Committee members include: Michael Gilmartin, Chairperson, Scranton Tomorrow Board of Directors, Richard J. Leonori, Tara Smith, and Michael Taluto.
Making Connections
Designed to transform the Downtown landscape, and connect communities, murals will reflect the City’s history and qualities that make Scranton unique. Themes will be thought-provoking, but not political, focusing on everything from Scranton's Vaudevillian past to current environmental issues, such as the plight of the honeybee. The first mural of the series will be installed this summer.
Educational Opportunities
Murals will create educational opportunities for all those who visit Downtown Scranton. QR codes will be posted at each site, allowing visitors to embark on a brief, self-guided tour while viewing the artwork. Simply scan of the code with your smart phone to link to a page on our website featuring information about the theme of the piece, and the artist, or team of artists, who brought the piece to life.
Conservation is Key
Conservation is an important part of public art, and members of the Mural Arts Committee are dedicated to installations that last for decades. Through partnerships with professional artists specializing in mural art and conservation, the group is developing a set of guidelines for future public art projects.
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