Mural Art
Our History. Our Characteristics. Our People.
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Detail of The Dream by Eric Bussart with lettering by Emmanuel Wisdom, corner of Mulberry Street and Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA. Image subject to copyright restrictions, 2021.

Detail of Danseur de Corde (Rope Dancer) by Joel Carson Jones, 328 Penn Avenue, Scranton, PA. Photo by Julie Jordan Photography. Image subject to copyright restrictions, 2021.

Artist John Park at work during the production of Somnium Orbis (Dream World), 414 Biden Street, Scranton, PA. Detail of night image courtesy of @totallywickedfilms. The finished piece is shown to the right. Photo by Rose Randazzo Pizzuto. Images subject to copyright restrictions, 2024.

Detail of The Dream by Eric Bussart with lettering by Emmanuel Wisdom, corner of Mulberry Street and Adams Avenue, Scranton, PA. Image subject to copyright restrictions, 2021.
Our Mission
Scranton Tomorrow’s Mural Arts Program is a public art initiative that promotes history, culture, diversity and creativity. Our mission is to enhance the lives of Scranton’s residents and visitors through Mural Art.
Our Team
Steve Ward, Team Leader
Scranton Tomorrow, Design Committee
Michael Gilmartin, Chairperson
Scranton Tomorrow Board of Directors
Rose M. Randazzo Pizzuto, Chairperson
Mural Arts Program
Richard J. Leonori, Committee Member
Tara Smith, Committee Member
Our Program
Scranton Tomorrow launched its Mural Arts Program in 2021. Designed to transform the Downtown landscape, and connect communities, murals reflect the City’s history and qualities that make Scranton unique.
QR codes are posted at each site, allowing visitors to use their smartphones to embark on brief, self-guided tours. Through partnerships with professional artists specializing in mural art and conservation, a set of guidelines for future public art projects has been developed.
To learn more, check out Transforming the Downtown Landscape on our blog, and Public Art, Mural Program Making Headway in Scranton on DiscoverNEPA.

Want to tell a story about Scranton or your neighborhood through Mural Art? We want to hear your ideas! Whether you're an artist, building owner or member of a community group, you can apply to collaborate with Scranton Tomorrow on an outdoor Mural.
Click here to download an application. Thank you for your interest in public art!
Public art initiatives such as Scranton Tomorrow's Mural Arts Program would not be possible without the generous support of community-minded businesses, organizations, and individuals. To learn more about how you can become a partner, contact Steve Ward or Rose Randazzo Pizzuto. Thank you!